Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Earliest Memories

1.) The time when I caught the Chicken Pox in kindergarden. 

The first girl who caught the Chicken Pox; her parents clearly didn't know what it was and didn't think it was a big deal and still kept her coming to school. (On the bright side, I got to miss school for a week or more!) :)

2.) I love Barbie dolls

Those bright pink colors on their mini houses, bathrooms, closets, pink dog....
Those extremely cute tiny clothes!
I used to get extremely jealous of my classmates who had prettier dolls and cuter barbie clothes, when they bring them to class. I would save up a lot of money just to buy more barbie dolls. I remember asking my grandmother for her sewing kit when I was 7, so I could sew my own barbie clothes. (It was quite a success! My grandmother was very proud of me) :)
Eventually, I grew out of it... :(

3.) The "Baby bouncer"

The old-school baby bouncer (that consisted of a hook in the ceiling and springs that holds on to the "bouncer") was my best friend. I spent most of my toddler days and childhood at my grandparents'. After kindergarden ended for the day, that's where I took my naps. When I grew too big to sleep in the bouncer, I would still sit in it and pretended it was a swing... 
Best invention ever! (According to me)

4.) My first asthma attack

I was probably 9 or 10 when I first had asthma. At night, in bed, I would be wheezing when I sleep. My parents stayed up all night just to take care of me because my asthma was not just any regular asthma. It was the "silent killer". 

"I was to have no sense of time for the next five days. When I first woke up I did not know how many hours had passed." (The Magus 490)
What feels like just yesterday, when I was back home, living with my parents, had no worries but go to school and play. Days and years have gone by so fast; and I'm in college now playing college tennis, living my dream...

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