Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Clumsy, trouble-maker

Yes. That was me. I was a little girl, annoying, and clumsy. I could not carry a glass of water across the living room without spilling, I could not walk proper enough to not trip on something or get caught in something and fall on my face. 

"Nice to see, good to hold; once broken, considered sold!"
Isn't that how the saying goes? When you walk into a store full of glasses, cups and other fragile items, if you touch it and you break it, YOU BUY IT! I was warned, NEVER to touch anything when walking into stores like these. I'm surprised I never broke anything in any store I've been into. But, I broke many other things I didn't have to buy...

My dad is a big fan of horses. He would have portraits, paintings and also statues of them all over the house. Sometimes he would have statues of rhinos too (the most fragile ones of course). One day, one of his rhino statues was sitting on the counter top. Being the usual me, curious and "itching" for something to grab, I went and touched it. I laid my finger on its pointed and sharp horn; and off it came, broken. My dad, in his usual response, went ballistic on me. "You are so clumsy!! You are so clumsy! Now I have to fix it! It's gonna look horrible now! You can't do anything!" about "verbal abuse". (Nah my dad loves me anyway). I was told not to do a lot of things but did them anyway.. and got definitely got in trouble..

I learned in one of my college classes that all these were part of growing. My bones were growing, my muscles were building and learning to coordinate with other parts of my body. So THAT'S WHY I WAS SO CLUMSY, DAD!

"I'm just a baby, see, too small and tender-footed for such work. And I've hardly heard of oxen. All I want is mother's milk, hot baths, warm blankets, lots of sleep. I'll even swear an oath: NOT GUILTY!" Words of Hermes, after the mess he had caused, after just being born for a day.

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