Thursday, December 8, 2011

A Dream

When I was younger, I was easily terrified. My family used to be very superstitious. "Don't look in the mirror at midnight because 'something' else will look back." Just plain old ghost story would do some serious "damage" on me, especially when it was time for bed. "Hey, mom! Can I sleep with you??!" Mom locks door to her room. 

Every night when I was in my childhood years, I would have recurring nightmares. (Guess I should re-title this blog post). Nightmares which involved very dark emotions and grief. I did not understand then what they meant and why they happened. But I was so scared. I never talked about it to my parents or to anyone, because everything was better again when dawn broke. In my dreams (nightmares), I would be crying my heart out. When I finally twitch and wake up, I realized I probably didn't scream that loud, because back then, I was rooming with my sister and she slept like a log..

"She was looking at the act of looking. the place where another person looking will find 'the image of himself looking',". (Calasso 209)

Now, after reading Calasso, I related it to dreams. When you are dreaming, somehow you actually are looking at yourself in that dream. It is very vivid at times and then your alarm goes off, and you realize it had always been just a dream. 

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